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I Wasn’t Made for Working 9-to-5, Baby!

Margarita Ivanova
June 17, 2024
7 min read
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I am a digital marketing freelancer, and in this article, I share my journey of escaping corporate rules and becoming my own boss. Join me as I reveal my best advice for anyone wanting to live the laptop lifestyle.

What Was I Made For—A.k.a. How to Find Your Niche

The Real You 

I’ve always been a creative person. When I was a kid, all I did was sing, dance, draw fashion sketches, and paint. 

“Painters don’t make any money.”

Later on, I got into psychology.

“Everybody's out here trying to be a psychologist these days. There are too many of them.”

Well, I'm into photography and acting, too.


Okay, what about PR and advertisement?

“That sounds better now.”

I couldn’t wait to graduate high school and finally study something I chose, not what the system forced on me. I went abroad to study Communication, thinking I would become some sort of PR professional or journalist. However, my initial exposure to the corporate world through an internship at a major automotive company was an eye-opener

Work-Life-Balance Brought You Where?

8 hours a day stuck in a chair, staring at a screen, doing tasks that don’t change the world. Not even my tiny world. You just do it because they tell you to. You're just an employee number. That experience changed my perspective on work life forever.

I graduated and started working in digital marketing right away but I always leaned towards part-time or remote jobs, so I could squeeze in more hours for my food blog and other side hustles.

Anyway, I still wasn’t feeling fulfilled. Sure, I was making money working 9 to 5 and then some, but it didn’t vibe with my dream life. Plus, fixed hours meant I had to be at work, even when there was nothing to do or my head was just somewhere else.

Sounds familiar?

When Change Knocks On Your Door

Fast forward 10 years, I’ve been doing digital marketing for all sorts of businesses I don’t relate to—from real estate to electronics. On the side, I'm cooking up recipes, writing blogs and taking pictures. 

I was seeing so many people succeeding online with all kinds of stuff. YouTube, affiliate marketing, online courses. I didn’t feel any of that, although I knew, I needed a change.

I decided to start with my mindset. Since I was scrolling through Instagram anyway, envying other successful influencers, I tweaked the algorithm to show me more posts about mindset and success. 

Boom, found Jet van Wijk. Not just her mindset, but also her Laptop Lifestyle Master Program got me hooked. She’s all about teaching digital skills, tactics, and the mindset to be a high-ticket digital freelancer.

In just 3 months. 

Sounds too good, right?

And guess what, you get to work with businesses you're passionate about. You choose who you want to work with, no more random jobs.

“I don’t know if it's the right time now…”

Fast forward 6 months, I got laid off. My boss bid me goodbye with the advice to chase my vegan lifestyle passion. I kind of followed his advice—by turning to Jet. 

“Teach me how to sell digital marketing services to businesses in my passion niche!”

And I jumped right away into the laptop lifestyle blue ocean. 

Your turn now! What were you meant for?

Break Free: How to Become a Digital Marketing Freelancer Even With No Experience

Indeed, digital marketing services are in great demand. Tons of businesses out there need help because they either lack the specialized skills or simply cannot spare the time. Imagine selling them services like copywriting, social media marketing or web design.

Here's the lowdown: digital marketing is always changing and expanding. Even if you've been grinding for a decade, there’s always some new thing popping up. Right now, it's all about AI, and who knows what is going to be next.

Entering the digital marketing field with zero experience might, paradoxically, serve as an opportunity. Pick just one service you vibe with, master it to the fullest, and bam! It turns into your golden ticket to premium rates!

Hold up, though. Don’t get too excited just yet. Let’s break it down step by step.

Sweet Escape: Your Quick Guide to Escaping the 9-5 Matrix and Living the Laptop Lifestyle

With or without prior marketing experience, anyone aiming for that sweet combo of location independence and financial freedom through digital services needs a roadmap. Some guidance. Preferably from someone who's already crushed it on the same path.

These are the key steps to start working online I learned after joining Jet van Wijk’s Laptop Lifestyle Master Program (LLMP). 

Find a mentor 

Whether you're dipping your toes into freelancing as a side hustle or going all-in from the start, having someone point you in the right direction is key. Ideally, this someone has already mastered what you're trying to do—escaped the 9-to-5 routine, so you can lean on their wisdom.

Join a support group

Brace yourself, because when you choose the freelancing road less traveled, you might hear a few voices warning you about the risk. Most likely, these voices will be very dear to you. Don't get mad at them; they just care about you. 

Anyway, surround yourself with people facing the same struggles. Whether it's a local community of freelancers and entrepreneurs or you join a virtual crew, it keeps the motivation flowing and holds you accountable.

Luckily, the LLMP hooks you up with both mentors/coaches and a support group. They all have been there, where you are and they all are aiming for the same goals (don’t stress though, there is plenty of fish in the sea for everyone). 

The advantages of being in a like-minded community are priceless—you guide and advise each other, learn and grow together. Plus, you've got a squad to help you out with your workload as you pile up more clients than you can handle. ;)

Learn high income digital skills

Beyond mastering the freelancer mindset and overcoming your mental roadblocks, you'll need to learn valuable digital skills like email marketing or graphic design

These days, there are countless ways to learn new skills—online and for free. I highly appreciate the Skills Vault provided by the LLMP, even though my skill set is already well backed-up. In the ever evolving world of digital marketing, staying current is a must. LLMP's knowledge base a.k.a. Skills Vault gets regular updates with new lessons and masterclasses dropping all the time.

It’s easier to keep up with some infamous Hollywood family than with the knowledge provided in the program. But you don't need to, anyway. Remember, mastering just one or a few skills can actually be very beneficial for your busine$$.

Create a daily routine

In a 9-to-5 job, numerous decisions are made for you. Your workdays and rest days are clearly defined, as well as the time you wake up and arrive in the morning. Family and friends know when you're available and when to give you space.

But once you step into the digital nomad life, those norms go out the window. Suddenly, your schedule is wide open, presenting the temptation to waste time without anyone overseeing your actions.

It's crucial to resist this temptation and take control of your days. Learn and adopt the habits of "highly effective people," throw in some time blocking into your routine, and own your time management. Recognize that you're the boss now, and self-discipline is all on you. This shift is a game-changer for finding success as an online entrepreneur.

…Ready For It?

Nobody said it was going to be easy, but it’s totally doable. Especially once you’re in there, cruising the digital marketing freelancing ocean, catching sight of those first paradise islands on the horizon. And trust me, they'll pop up sooner than you think. If you’re following a proven path, there is no way that you can fail. Unless you never start.